• 關於我(About me)


    My current research topic can be divided into four categories. The first category is about the moral permissibility of actions, which concerns whether a specific action is morally permitted to be performed. This research will involve other related discussions such as: the conceptual connection between moral permissibility and moral wrongness, how personal knowledge states affect moral permissibility judgments of actions, and what roles psychological features such as intention, motivation and purpose play in moral judgments. The second category is decision theory and causality, which have intrinsic connections. Decision theory explores how people should make decisions when facing multiple options, and the possible outcomes (as causes) of these options are important considerations. In other words, to make appropriate rational decisions, we also need to be able to make appropriate causal judgments. The third and fourth categories are applications of the research results of the first two categories to current social issues. My third category of research topic focuses on ethical issues raised by contemporary AI technology, especially when AI is used to replace human judgment, and the corresponding responsibility allocation problem. The fourth category focuses on euthanasia-related moral issues, especially those related to the moral status of “active euthanasia” and “passive euthanasia”.

    研究領域(Research Fields)

    主要領域(AOS):當代道德哲學(Contemporary Moral Philosophy)、應用倫理學(Applied Ethics)

    次要領域(AOC):知識論(Epistemology)、因果理論(Causal Theory)

  • 教育背景(Education

    國立中正大學(National Chung Cheng University)


    哲學博士(doctoral degree of philosophy

    國立中正大學(National Chung Cheng University)


    哲學碩士(master’s degree of philosophy

    國立中正大學(National Chung Cheng University)


    哲學學士(college degree of philosophy

    經濟學學士(college degree of economics

  • 不論我們如何抉擇,那潛藏於背後且無法撲滅的幻影總是揮之不去。就算我們不會被它欺騙,就算它無法傷害我們,依然無法避免它持續不斷的蠱惑我們,無法根絕。



    學位論文(Dissertation & Thesis)

    期刊論文(Journal Articles)

    研討會論文(Conference Papers)

    • (2022) 「道德許可性判斷中的決策者視角」,台灣哲學學會年會,台北,政治大學。
    • (2021) 「一個反對雙果律的新案例」,台灣哲學學會年會,新竹,清華大學。
    • (2019) 「Wedgwood的弱雙果律與Scanlon論題」,台灣哲學學會年會,新竹,清華大學。
    • (2019) 「不完備的Broome理由觀」,中國知識論學會年會,中國長沙,中南大學。
    • (2019) “Unfalsifiability and Defeasibility: The Epistemic Status of Mistaken Predictions”, the 16th International Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology (CLMPST 2019_Czech), Prague, Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences. (Linton Wang, Ming-Yuan Hsiao & Jhih-Hao Jhang)
    • (2018) “Causal Modeling for Necessary Causal Conditions”, Model-Based Reasoning International Conference (MBR18_Spain), Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla. (Linton Wang, Ming-Yuan Hsiao & Jhih-Hao Jhang)
    • (2018) 「回應Frank Jackson的知識論證」,第二十四屆世界哲學大會 (The XXIV World Congress of Philosophy),北京,北京大學。
    • (2018) 「理性行動的證成困境」,第四屆「知行哲學的當代研究」學術研討會(暨第二屆上海-台北城式互動哲學工作坊),上海,華東師範大學。(張智皓與蕭銘源)
    • (2017) “The Inference to Hidden Factors”, The 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Philosophy of Science, Chiayi, Chung-Cheng University. (Linton Wang, Ming-Yuan Hsiao & Jhih-Hao Jhang)
    • (2017) 「機率證據與非常態證成」,台灣哲學學會年會,台北,政治大學。
    • (2017) 「論Smith『證成的常態性理論』之內在不一致性」,中國知識論學會第四屆學術會議,澳門皇都酒店。
    • (2017) 「批判性思考中的證成困境-證成原則的不一致」,中國批判性思維與創新教育研討會,四川成都,成都財經大學。
    • (2016) 「無因果差異之積極與消極安樂死」,台灣哲學學會年會,台中,東海大學。
    • (2015) 「囚犯困境與紐康難題」,台灣哲學學會年會,台北,台灣大學。
    • (2012) “Euthanasia: from the Approach of Rights”, First Seoul Philosophy Graduate Conference,Korea,Yonsei University。

    哲學普及文章與書籍(Popular Philosophy Writing)

  • 聯絡我(contact)
